Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On writing

People ask where I get my ideas--everywhere, I reply. For example, about 45 minutes ago Linda and I were in the kitchen. Our chatting was interrupted by a huge crash, a thud that shook the house. Stunned silence broken by "What was that?!!" We searched all four floors--nothing, no collapsed bookshelf, no, nothing. Then I opened the front door & discovered that someone had smashed in the bottom panel of the storm door; left a mighty big footprint. The police were efficient--"mischief," he said, by a group of kids dispersing after a basketball game. We weren't the only call. "Kids, today," the officer, who looked pretty young to us, "they're out of control--middle school and up, girls and boys, they're out of control."
There's a story there; just have to figure out what & if I really want to write it. But now it's time for our nightly Scrabble game--think I'll try to make words that describe the incident.

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