Thursday, July 10, 2008

On Writing

I find it so interesting that I can write something I really like one day, but end up deleting it the next. Why? What makes me decide to delete material that delights me? Because I can't write beyond that material. That's an irrefutable sign that I have to delete it, no matter how much I love it. That's what I did today. Happily the new material I wrote worked--onward!! Hurrah!!!!


Anonymous said...

HI, Penny,
Since I'm on vacation from school I have time to check your blog. I just read about how you had to delete what you had written the day before, even though it delighted you, but would have prevented you from going on from that point. I really love you sharing the writing process. I'm going to have to contemplate this point, as it's something I haven't had experienced myself in writing! Although I KNOW it is probably a ton of work, I'm glad you signed on again at Queens. You really need to share all your knowledge and expertise and pass it on! Happy mid-summer from Dot E.

Penny Colman said...

Hi Dot,
What a treat to find your comment!
Thanks for posting it. Re material I end up deleting: I imagine I'm putting it in a file marked "Penny, you're brilliant BUT. . ."