The end of another long thinking
about--how am I going to structure this book?!?
Here's a picture of what my thinking "looks" like tonight. At one point in the day, I emailed my friend Dot: "What do you think about friendships??"
"Well, let's see," she replied. "Friendships are--rewarding, sustaining, inspiring, fun, frustrating, enduring or fleeting, friendships inspire growth, common interests hold them together, old friendships are a great source of comfort, new friendships are energizing and on some days, your pet is your BEST friend!"
Feel free to add your thoughts/ideas/experiences on the topic of friendships!
More from Dot: I think that in the mid 19th century, right up to WWII, women had very close friendships with each other. I know my mother had quite a few good girl friends of long standing. When they were all single and teaching they vacationed together every summer. My mother kep in touch with all of them all her life. I really make an effort to keep in touch with my girlfriends and email is such a big help. I don't want to lose touch with what I call my "heart" friends and you're among them!
Friendship--Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton--two great friends--glad you're bringing light to this important topic. We wanted to join your effort by sharing a few thoughts on friends & friendship.
The foundation of friendship is not the big things, but the million small things that make up everyday life. Friends help you grow, but if there's still some area in which you're too fearful to grow, they're still your friend. They wait patiently and nurture you along slowly while, meanwhile taking joy in the differences and similarities that made you friends in the first place. Friends laugh together a lot. Friends help each other when one is in a bind--most often before even being asked. Friends often share the same passion such as teaching, writing, caring for the future of our planet, coming out against discrimination, racism, sexism, and all other isms. Friends often find a way to make room in their lives for the unexpected in another's life. Friends listen to learn as well as learn to listen. The friends you've chosen to write about Stanton & Anthony had another friend--Friend Lucretia Mott--who greatly influenced their lives, also. We look forward to your book. J & L
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